Comback gig
14 October 2017
After over five years of silence we've gathered toghether to rock again!

A Comback?..
26 June 2017
We decided to gather up again and make some awesome project together...
New record: Salvation
30 January 2016
Welcome back, Haim!
9 July 2014
After almost six year of absence one of the band’s founders — Haim Nazarovsky — returned to Abrahms Family!
Bell Levin Left the Band
1 April 2014
It was fun playing with Bell.
Salvation Video
6 June 2013
We wrote a new song. Please, watch us playing it on the rehearsal (and listen!):
Bell Levin Joined the Band
2 January 2013
Temporary Alexy Polyansky was replaced by regular Bell Levin. Funky!
Sal’it Swimming Pool
5 July 2012
It was fun playing on Emuna and Nadav’s wedding.
This is our new song played there for the first time:
Alexy Polyansky Joined the Band
19 May 2012
Alexy Polyansky joined the band as a temporary bassist. He’s doing his job great but temporary is temporary (even if it lasts for ages).
While enjoying Leha’s company, we’re still looking for a permanent band member.
Bassist Vacancy
6 March 2012

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